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The Sailor Scouts at the Beach!
Quote of the Week!
"Destiny Stones may break my bones but you guys are real losers!"
Poem of the Week
You can’t stop the Brahma Bull,
But Stone Cold’s no fool.
Heck, with one stunner,
3:16 would be the winner.
If the Rock layeth the smacketh down,
Then no new champion will be found.
Debra being in the Rock’s corner, driving Austin mad,
Both men will go to limits they never knew they had.
On April 1st, at the home of the Rattlesnake,
The Rock’s reason for breathing is at stake.
It’s going to be one great match, just so you know,
And that’s the bottom line, cuz Stone Cold said so!
The Rock is telling 3:16 to just bring it!
The ref, the bell, just ring it!
The bell rings, the match has begun,
Who will come out number one?


Cardcaptors Episode Summaries
Check back soon!  We should have some Episode summaries in a few days!
If you have any episode summaries for Cardcaptors then please email them to me by clicking here!
More summaries coming very soon!
1). "Sakura's Rival"
2). "Time and Again"
3). "The Cave"
4). "Power's Ploy"
5). "Double-Edged Sword"
6). "The New Rival"
7). "Double Take"
8). "No Way Out"
9). "The Race"
10). "Dragon Slayer"
The Switch
This episode starts off with Li and Kero trying to capture the change card, Sakura jumps on top of the penguin slide and tries to capture the card but it jumps on her , Li grabs the Change into his arms while Kero grabs on to the Change to, right before Sakura captures the card it switches the minds and Li and Kero into the other person.  So know Kero is in Li's body and Li is in Kero's body.  They promise not to tell anyone including Madison and Meilin.  Li goes to Meilin's house ,she thinks that the reason why Li's voice is different is because she thinks that he is just a little sick.  Outside Sakura and "Li" are waiting.  Li thinks that Kero won't be able to make the chicken soup that he promised to make her.  Back at Sakura's house Sakura tell Li that she doesn't want him to sleep in her room so Li says that he'll try to fly to a tree and sleep there but he can't fly for some reason so he falls down and Sakura runs downstairs when Tori and Julian walk in.  Julian gives Sakura Li because he got Li form a cat who was playing with him and though that he was a bird.  Back at Meilin's house she and Kero are sitting at a table.  They talk for a while and Kero tells Meilin to stop calling him a stuffed animal.  Kero must have tried to fly again because he is trying to climb up a pipe, he jumps to a window seal and is dangling, Sakura scares away a cat that was waiting for Li to fall off.  She takes him back inside and tells him to stay put.  At school a teacher almost catches Li talking to Sakura fortunately he doesn't see him.  Sakura walks into her class room where everyone is huddles around Keri who is telling them all about different video games.  He trips falls to the floor while he tries to show off.  Li gets so embarrassed.  Madison over hears them talking and finds out that Kero and Li are in each others body.  During gym, Kero gets tired of running on two feet while playing soccer and stars running on all four legs he jumps for the soccer ball but instead he hit right in the head and hits the ground.  Li is up in one of the class rooms and starts yelling because Kero just finished embarrassing "him", a teacher thinks that someone is in the class room so he walks in and sees Li, he takes him and put him in a bag that is beside another bag that has a stuffed animal that looks almost exactly like he does.  He tries to get out but he slips and drops the bag that has the fake Kero stuffed animal so when the teacher grabs a bag he grabs the wrong one, the one that has Li in it.  Kero, Sakura, Meilin, and Madison go looking for him but find the stuffed animal, they as Ms. Mackenzie where the teacher went and she tell them.  They go to the toy store and find Li insides a machine that is full of stuffed animals, Kero tries to get him with the mechanical claw and after some pulling and tugging they get him out.  They all go to the same exact place and time where all this started.  Sakura releases the Change card which envelops Kero and Li and returns them to their rightful bodies.  The next day at school Sakura tell Li hi and opens her back pack only to show Kero to Li, Kero tells him that he misses him and asks him if he can stay in his back pack!
12). "Ice Breaker"
13). "The Third Element"
14). "Buyer Beware"
15). "Stormy Weather"
16). "Allies"
17). "Meilin's Story"
18). "The Last Card Part 1"
19). "The Last Card Part 2"
20). "The Final Judgment