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Quote of the Week!
"Destiny Stones may break my bones but you guys are real losers!"
Poem of the Week
You can’t stop the Brahma Bull,
But Stone Cold’s no fool.
Heck, with one stunner,
3:16 would be the winner.
If the Rock layeth the smacketh down,
Then no new champion will be found.
Debra being in the Rock’s corner, driving Austin mad,
Both men will go to limits they never knew they had.
On April 1st, at the home of the Rattlesnake,
The Rock’s reason for breathing is at stake.
It’s going to be one great match, just so you know,
And that’s the bottom line, cuz Stone Cold said so!
The Rock is telling 3:16 to just bring it!
The ref, the bell, just ring it!
The bell rings, the match has begun,
Who will come out number one?
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Digimon Characters
![](0969f3e0.jpg) In season 2, Tai is much older and mature. He, Sora, Matt, and Izzy go to high school and have to wear a uniforms to school. He is very athletic and loves soccer. He gave his goggles to Davis who wears them all of the time. He and Izzy are very important in season 2, they travel to the Digiworld more often then the other old Digidestined. He often provides good advice to Davis whenver Davis needs it. Davis has replaced Tai as the leader of the Digidestined.
Davis is the new leader in season 2. Tai is his romodel and he looks up tp him. He loves to play soccer and thinks that he is better then everybody else at soccer. He has a hugecrush on Kari and is extreamly jealous of TK. He never pronounces or says TK's name correctly. He often gets into arguments and fights with TK much like Tai and Matt use to. The other Digidestined think that he is pretty dumb, especially because his attitude closely resembels Tai's when he was his age. He also often get into arguments with Yolei who likes to to tell him that his gell and hair spray is leaking through his head into his brain.
![](09bae5c0.jpg) Kari is the eight Digidestined. In season 1 she was the mysterious child who Myotismon was after.. She may seem small, she has a sweet, caring, loving, and strong heart. Kari is Tai's little sister and Tai isalwaysworied about her, her feels as if he has to always be there to protect her but she is more mature then she appears to be, she can defend herself without Tai's help. She is very selfless and cares about other people more then she cares about herself. Kari and her digimon partner, Gatomon, learn a lot from each other and are as close as best friends can be. Gatomon is almost the opposite of Kari because she has an explosive temper but she also has a very kind, sweet, loving heart just like Kari. Kari has a digital camera that she takes every where with her to take pictures of her adventures with the Digidestined.
![](09db9710.jpg) In Seasnon 1, Matt is the one with the "cool" attitude. He often get into fights with Tai and is sometimes very jealous of him. He is very much like Tai, that is probably why they fight so much. He also feels very responsible for his younger brother TK but he knows that TK is a big boy and that he can fend for himself. In season 2, Matt is almost the same, he still ahs that cool hair style but it is a little different. He sings and plays the guitar in a rock group with his friends. All the girls love him. (including Davis's sister) He still fights with Tai but since they are both more mature, they make sure that they don't cross the line.
Yolei is alot like Izzy, He admires Izzy because of his computer expertise. Although her attitude is alot different then Mimi's she still looks up to her and Mimi is her romodel. She wants to be just like Mimi when she get older. Sora is her best friend and Mimi is like her sister. She learns alot from Mimi, especially how to control her anger. She is the oldest member of the new digidestined and is also a genius just like Izzy. She also is a bit spoiled like Mimi. Her family owns a convience store so she is able tosupply the food for their trips to the digiworld. Sora is her best friend and Mimi is like her sister. She also hangs out alot with Cody, Izzy and TK, since Cody and TK both live in the same apartment complex. Yolei has a crush on Ken and really believes in him.
Ken was the evil Digimom emperor until he almost lost Wormon and finally realized that he found the goodness that he had hidden deep within his heart. is at first the evil digidestined. His life as the Digimon Emperor has scared him mentally and physically and will be with him forever. With Wormmon at his side, Ken trys to help out whenever he can, the love, friendship, and kindeness that he shares with Wormon is endless and they charish every moment that they have together.
![](0a3a2440.jpg) TK is Matts younge rother. In season 2 TK is a little older and more mature. He is very fond of Kari but hasn't yet shown his true feelings toward Kari. He fights eith Davis alot and gets annoyed when Davis doesn't say his name right. He loves basketball and resembles his older brother. All of the girls love them! Patamon is his best friendbut he will always be afraid if losing him because the fight between Devimon and Angemon has permantely scared him, he may get over it but until then he will not leave Patamon out of his sight.
Cody is the new, young digidestined in season 2. He practices kendo with his grandfather. Besides his appearence and age he is very mature and had helped the Digidestiend think twice beore taking action. Although he can be very stubborn at times, his soft, kind heart will help the Digidestined concoure all of their enemies.
![](0a7a1410.jpg) Izzy is the "brains" of the group. He is almost always on the computer. He plays a key role in their questto save the Digiworld. Without him the Digidestined wouldn't have been as sucessful as they are. He often explains things to the rest of the Digidestined in "English" and knows quite a bit about the Digiworld. In season 2 he is alot more smarter and a little taller. He is always ready to give an explenation and to help out whenever he is needed. He often get the Digidestined out of messes and trouble.
![](0a9a64b0.jpg) Sora is the "Tomboy" of the group. She is very athletic and loves soccer just like Tai. Tai and Sora probably have a crush on each other but they haven't showed their true feelings yet! HEr mom owns a flower shop who she helps out with alot. Since her live altering experiences in season 1, her and her mother have grown closer and closer together and according to her father they are out shopping and wacthing movies every weekends. Her strong heart and courageous attitude make her a vital part of the Digidestined.
![](0aeaf5e0.jpg) Mimi is kind, sweet, and lovable. But she can at times in he past be concieded. But know in season 2 she is alot more mature and cares alot for other people besides herself. She died her hair pink because pink is her favorite color and is very attractive and pretty. Sje now liveso in America but comes to visit the Digidestined often. She is the one that introduced the rest of hte Digidestined to Michael who is also from America. She is still the princess and is still very wealthy but she will never forget ger role as a Digidestined along with her best friend Palmon.
![](0b2a2430.jpg) Joe used to be the coword of the group but is now very sure of himself and doen't doubt his abilities as a Digidestined. He does alot of studying because he is still persuing his dreams. He is always there when the Digidestined need him, they don't call him old reliable for nothing!
Willies makes his first appearence in Digimon the Movie. He has two twin Digimon, Tarriermon, and Lopmon. He is also friends with Izzy. Willis is a genious and is a little shy. He was the one who accidentally created Diaboramon and the virus that caused Terriermon's twin digimon,Lopmon, to be taken over by the virus and mutated. He is always happy and makes a fine addition to the Digidestined. Along with his two Digimon he is ready and can take on anthing!
Very little is know about Michael. Like Mimi and Wallace he's from America and is one of Mimi's friends. His digimon partner is Betamon who digivolves to Seadramon. Michael owns one of the original digivices and was chosen around the same time that the old Digidestined were facing Myotismon, when Gorillamon appeared in New York. He has an odd voive but a positive attitude. Yolei has a rush on him to. It appears that he once had a mission and has since completed it.